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Keyword Responses
Private Story Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Umm, a private story...? I'm not sure if I can really tell you anything that fits that description. Umm... I can tell you one thing. I like Forget-me-not flowers! Heehee.
- (during Second Memoir) Oh, (Character Name)! Can I ask you why you decided to go adventuring with me? Is it...because you think I'm pretty?!
Y-you can just say no if that's what you really feel! You don't have to look at me like that! Hmph! I feel so lucky to have met you. You're so warm and kind... I just feel happy whenever I talk with you! I hope I can still talk with you, even after I recover all of my memories.
Nearby Rumors Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Rumors around here? Hmm, I'm not sure... Oh! I heard that passerby have been hearing mysterious voices around here sometimes! C-could it be...a ghost? What? Was it MY voice they were hearing? C'mon, I don't run around just trying to spook people!
- (during Second Memoir) I heard some people talking recently...
There's a rumor about m-- Er, about a really pretty lady showing up around here!
Skills Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Skills? Hmm... I think I used to know a lot of them, at one point. I can only remember a few now, though. If you know anything about exotic or esoteric skills, be sure to teach me!
- (during Second Memoir) I remembered a few skills! I'll pass these skills on to you so you can use them too!
What's my favorite skill, you're wondering? Hmm... ...Argh, I can't pick just one!
Part-Time Jobs Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Is a Part-Time Job meant to help someone? Hmm... I wonder what kinds of memories I have of Part-Time Jobs.
- (during Second Memoir) (Character Name)! I heard that lots of Milletians used to take Part-Time Jobs at the church. In return for their service, they'd receive bottles of Holy Water of Lymilark that they could either use...or sell for a lot of Gold!
Do you think I should try taking a Part-Time Job too? Oh wait... I don't know how effective I'd be at it, seeing as I'm invisible to others.
Classes and Training Keyword
General Shop Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Why are General Shops called General Shops? Hrm... Doesn't 'general' mean that it deals in a wide variety of standard goods? (Blaanid closes her eyes for a while, seemingly deep in thought. Only when she opens them again does she continue talking.) But in reality, no goods are really 'standard.' They're all special, in their own way.
- (during Second Memoir) (Character Name)! How do I look? You DO think I look pretty, don't you? ...Just nod yes. That's the way!
It's almost unfair how I keep getting prettier everyday! Should I buy a pair of Conky Glasses from the General Shop so I can dork myself up a bit so other girls won't get jealous?
Grocery Store Keyword
*(during First Memoir) (Character Name), what's your favorite food? Even reviewing my memories, I can't recall what kind of food I used to like, or what my culinary tastes were...
- (during Second Memoir) I vaguely remember enjoying the Heart Cakes that Glenis sold. They were so sweet, and always pretty to look at!
Aww, you think it's childish to like sweets? Come on, don't forget I'm technically older than you!
Healer's House Keyword
*(during First Memoir) I'm not sure myself. All I know is that it's the place to go if you're feeling sick. You're wondering if I could recover my memories if I went to the Healer's House? Ah...I wish it were that simple.
- (during Second Memoir) It's really neat to watch Manus taking care of people and animals.
When you get sick or hurt, you should go to the Healer's House. That said, I hope you stay healthy so you won't have to go there!
Inn Keyword
Bank Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Hmm... I wonder how much Gold I used to have in the bank. I might've lost my memories, but no one else could've accessed my account, so...what happened to my Gold?
- (during Second Memoir) In all the walks I've taken around Dunbarton, I've never seen Austeyn actually leave the bank.
C-could it be...? (Blaanid's voice grows so faint, you can scarcely hear it.) Could it be Austeyn can't go out into the sunlight because he's... some kind of vampire?
Blacksmith Shop Keyword
*(during First Memoir) I think it had something to do with equipment. Hmm... I wonder what kind of weapons I used to use back before I lost my memories...
- (during Second Memoir) In order to get a long lifetime of use out of your equipment, you need to be consistent with your repair and maintenance. I hope you've already been doing that!
Rest Keyword
Ranged Attack Keyword
Playing Instrument Keyword
Composing Keyword
Tailoring Keyword
Magnum Shot Keyword
Counterattack Keyword
Smash Skill Keyword
Gathering Keyword
Town Square Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Town Square... Town Square... I can sort of remember a wide-open space people called the Town Square...
- (during Second Memoir) So many different people come and go in Dunbarton, and most of them pass through Dunbarton's Town Square.
That'd be the very Town Square we're standing in right now, heehee.
Reservoir Keyword
Farmland Keyword
Windmill Keyword
*(during First Memoir) A windmill? Hmm... Is that a man who shouts while running headlong into the wind? No...that's just a windmale.
- (during Second Memoir) I heard that in some far-off village, there was a huge windmill!
But then, some old guy passing through the town somehow got it into his head that the windmill was a monster! Can you believe it? What if, in that old man's memories, the windmill really WAS a monster, and that's what he wrote down when he chronicled his adventures?
Adelia Stream Keyword
Chief's House Keyword
Church Keyword
School Keyword
Windmill Skill Keyword
Campfire Skill Keyword
Restaurant Keyword
Weapons Shop Keyword
Clothing Shop Keyword
Bookstore Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Books are meant for recording ideas and information, right? Does that mean it's possible that my memories have been recorded somewhere? That would be wonderful...
- (during Second Memoir) I was just thinking, (Character Name), what if we made our Memoir into a book and sold it? I think it would be a real page-turner!
We could title it...umm...'Blaanid and (Character Name)'s Excellent Adventure.' It'll be flying off shelves before you know it! Huh? What do you mean 'Excellent is a matter of perspective'? H-hey, don't pretend like you didn't have fun! I saw you smiling!
Town Office Keyword
Graveyard Keyword
Magic Shield Skill Keyword
Fishing Skill Keyword
Elemental Dungeon Pass Keyword
Ancient Spirit Fossil Keyword
Loeiz's Student Nele Keyword
Memory Tower Keyword
Magic Bean Keyword
Gift to Nao Keyword
Twin Sword Keyword
Burning Sword Keyword
A Mysterious Land Keyword
How to Get On the Boat Keyword
[show]Falcon and Savage Beast
Exploration (Coming Soon)
[show]Laighlinne (Partner) Keywords
[show]Blaanid Keywords
Blaanid's Memory Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Memories? Hmm... I don't remember a lot about my life, unfortunately. When I realized I was losing so many memories, I wrote down a bunch of notes because I was afraid I'd lose even more. My memories have kept fading, and all I have to tell me about who I was before is those notes I took.
- (during Second Memoir) It's such a blessing to be able to remember something. Most people take it for granted, but being able to reminisce on a time you felt happy or sad whenever you want is part of what makes us who we are.
If you have no memories, you have nothing to reminisce about. And if you have no past to remember, who can even say you're 'you'?
Blaanid's memory of talking to a Milletian Keyword
*(during First Memoir) Milletian?'re a Milletian, aren't you?
- (during Second Memoir) I don't know what I used to think of Milletians, or even if I'd ever met one, but now that I have, I think they're amazing!
They can do and be anything they want. Most people can't do that-- including me, so I kind of envy them.
Blaanid's memories of Erinn Keyword
*(during First Memoir) I don't know when my life in Erinn began, or if I'm even FROM here, for that matter... I don't really have any concrete memories of Erinn at all. Which makes me wonder...why does Erinn seem to remember me?
- (during Second Memoir) Although I can't recall them, I think that in the past, I must have made a lot of memories in Erinn.
That's why I think that as I travel Erinn, I'll be able to recover those memories I lost.
Memoir Keyword
*(during First Memoir) It's only possible to write a Memoir if you can remember what happened, right? I could've written one in the past, back when my memories were still intact...
- (during Second Memoir) Anyways, as we keep going on adventures together, we ought to be able to put our experiences into a Memoir.
Even if there's not much I can remember, as long as we can make new memories together, I'll be satisfied!